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Thursday, August 7, 2008

Pink So What

بنك رجعت بالبوم جديد بيصدر في 28/10/2008 وهني الاغنيه الاولى منه
Pink back again with new album that will be released on 28/10/2008 and here is the first single So What!

Pink - So What DownLoad it Now

برتني سبيرز تشتغل على البومها الجديد ومن المحتمل انه يصدر في 11/2008
اعلن ايضا ان جستن تمبرليك وتمبرلاند بيشتغلون معاها
Britney Spears working on new album that maybe will be released in 11/2008
It has been also announced that Justin Timberlake and Timbaland would be working with Britney on her album

بعد كرستينا اجوليرا تشتغل على البوم بيصدر على اخر السنه
also Christina Aguilera working on her new album that will be out sometimes this year