next month is the 2nd anniversary for my blog so I thought I would bring the competition again cause it was really good at the first time so.... this time I will ask only 5 questions and the prize this time a new IPod touch 2nd Generation 8G I wish everybody win but it's only one Ipod sorry guys the last day 1/11/2009 and the draw soon after good luck
1-تاليا بتصدر اول حفلة الها سي دي/دي في دي بعنوان........؟
2-اخر اغنية لـ ايومي هاماساكي الي بتصدر في 16/12/2009 بعنوان........؟
3-ويتني هيوستن رجعت بألبوم جديد بعنوان ........؟
4-اخر اغنية لريانا انتشرت في الانترنت الاسبوع الماضي بعنوان........؟
5-مايكل جاكسون وفرح فوست توفوا في نفس اليوم الي هو.../..../2009
حاولت اسهل الاسأله قد ماقدر
تعجبك المدونه ؟
عندك اقتراحات؟
شو تحب تشوف فيها ؟
منو فنانينك المفضلين الي تتمنى تشوف اخبار عنهم ؟
اسمك :
النك نيم اذا تحب:
بلدك :
عمرك :
الجنس: ولد/بنت
MUW Contest :اكتب في عنوان الرسالة
وارسلهم الى
اخر موعد للمسابقة 1/11/2009
كل الاجوبه في المدونه
1-Thalia will release her first Live Cd/DVD called........?
2-the latest single for Ayumi Hamasaki which will be release in 16/12/2009 is........
3-Whitney Houston returns with new album called........
4-Rihanna last single which hit the net last week called........
5- Michael Jackson & Farrah Fawcett both die in the same day which is..../..../2009
I try to make the questions as much easy as I can
do you like the blog ?
do you have any suggestion ?
what do you want to see in it?
who is you favorite stars that you really would like to see more about them in the blog?
your name :
nickname : ( if you want )
your country :
your age :
sex : Boy/Girl
write in the Email Subject : MUW Contest
and send them to
the last day for the answers is 1/11/2009
all the answers in the blog